Last week a Facebook message came in from RocSubway reader, Nate Sengillo. Nate wanted to share photos from his recent trip to Frontier Town. I’ve never been there myself, but I know I’ve heard of this place before as my family has spent more than a few summer vacations at nearby Lake George. But now seeing Nate’s photos, I wish I had…
Archive: ‘Video’...

The VERY Tall Tale of Jack & His Beanstalk… Now at the Sibley Building
Tuesday, February 4th, 2014
Local balloon artists Larry Moss and Kelly Cheatle are hard at work right now constructing an enormous, 5-story tall beanstalk entirely out of balloons in the atrium of Rochester’s landmark Sibley Building.
Unlike previous haunted “Balloon Manors” you may remember at area shopping malls, admission is completely free for the public to come and enjoy this one. Balloon Manor: The VERY Tall Tale of Jack and his Beanstalk is due to be completed today, and open for viewing thru Sunday, February 9…
Tags: Airigami, art, Balloon Manor, balloon sculpture, downtown Rochester, Joseph Eddy, Kelly Cheatle, Larry Moss, Martha Stewart, Rochester, Rochester NY, Sibley Building, Sibley's, The Very Tall Tale of Jack & His Beanstalk, Winn Development
Posted in Art + Culture, Events, Rochester Destinations, Rochester News, Video | 3 Comments »

Meet Walter, Rochester’s Accordion Man
Wednesday, January 29th, 2014
Walter has been a fixture at local sporting events and concerts for decades. Known to most Rochesterians as “The Accordion Man,” Walter plays his squeezebox (and sings) outside most hockey, basketball and lacrosse games… at music events all around the city… and of course, a Redwings game would not be the same without Walter’s rendition of Take Me Out To The Ballgame playing in the background as fans line up at the turnstiles.
In a recent phone conversation with him, Walter told me he’s been playing around Rochester for three decades. He’s missed only one game in the past 15 years. And he’s gone through 83 accordions. His latest one is currently out of commission with broken keys and a worn strap…
Tags: accordion, Amerks, Billy Graham, busker, Kelly Keyes-Darcangelo, musician, Redwings, Rochester, Rochester Americans, Rochester Amerks, Rochester NY, Rochester Red Wings, Walter the accordion man
Posted in Art + Culture, Interviews, Rochester Destinations, Rochester History, Video | 13 Comments »

Take the “Slow Road” Across New York
Wednesday, October 16th, 2013
If you’re like me, and you enjoy exploring local places most people overlook, here’s a neat project you might want to support. Benjamin Woelk (30, Rochester) and Jason Darnieder (Flower City Media) are working on a documentary travel series that focuses on exploring upstate and western N.Y. He’s calling the project “Slow Road” – a documentary series dedicated to sustaining community, preserving the past, and exploring America’s roads less traveled…
Tags: Auburn, Benjamin Woelk, Buffalo, Erie Canal, Flower City Media, Ithaca, Jason Darnieder, Kickstarter, movie, Oswego, Rochester, Slow Road, Syracuse, travel, upstate New York, video, western New York
Posted in Art + Culture, Rochester Destinations, Rochester History, Rochester News, Video | 4 Comments »

What Is This Strange Water Feature?
Friday, September 27th, 2013
Last week a reader, Michael Krauklis, sent me this picture and asked two perplexing questions. Michael said, “I’ve worked downtown just next to the Broad Street bridge for 11 years now, and the entire time there has been a strange feature in the river just south of the bridge . Upon first glance it appears to be a spring, in the middle of the river, but with further inspection one can see the carcass of an old abandoned structure surrounding it… What was the original purpose of this and where is the water is coming from?”
I have seen these strange concrete triangles in the river myself, and I know there are more than one of them. But I had never noticed the spring water bubbling up! In either case, I had no good answer for Michael. So, I started digging. Here’s what I found out…
Tags: artesian spring, artesian well, Bill Chaisson, Broad Street, cofferdam, Court Street dam, downtown Rochester, Genesee River, old photos of Rochester, old photos of Rochester NY, Pat Welch, Rochester, Rochester NY, Tom Hack
Posted in Rochester History, Transit + Infrastructure, Urban Exploration, Video | 21 Comments »

Broad St. Underground: ANOTHER Proposal for the Abandoned Subway!
Monday, September 23rd, 2013
Rochester’s old subway tunnel hasn’t seen a passenger car come through here in nearly sixty years. But lately, redevelopment ideas are arriving with unbelievable frequency. A few weeks ago we were talking about the ROC Low Line; an underground park designed by a team of RIT students. This week, another local group has come forward with a different plan. And these guys want to take theirs beyond just an academic study. Stand clear of the yellow line folks – here comes the “Broad Street Underground” concept…
Tags: abandoned subway, adaptive reuse, aqueduct, Aqueduct Bridge, architecture, Broad Street Corridor Master Plan, Broad Street Underground, development plans, downtown Rochester, Lewis Childs, Rochester, Rochester NY, Rochester Subway, Rochester Subway tunnel, underground mall, underground shopping, urban planning
Posted in Rochester Destinations, Rochester History, Rochester News, Rochester Subway, Rochester Subway Stories, Transit + Infrastructure, Urban Development, Video | 44 Comments »

High Falls: A Waterfall, Within a Canyon, in the Heart of Our City
Wednesday, September 18th, 2013
By now you’ve probably heard of the GardenAerial project. But you may not be clear on the details. What is it? And why is it important? Benjamin Woelk is Associate Director of Administration & Community Engagement at GardenAerial. He recently gave a presentation at TEDxFlourCity where he explained how the GardenAerial project will reinvent our community by giving Rochester a “sustainable identity.”
Benjamin reminds us that we have a 96 foot tall waterfall… inside a canyon… in the middle of our city. High Falls has been here for millions of years. Yes it’s evolving; but it’s also been here longer than Kodak, Lilacs or Garbage Plates. Rochester began here. And as he correctly points out, this is a world-class site. Repeat it: A World. Class. Site.
Now watch the video and see how High Falls could be transformed into New York State’s first EcoDistrict, and a boon to our economy once again…
Tags: Benjamin Woelk, Brewers Square, GardenAerial, Genesee River, Genesee River Gorge, Genesee Riverway Trail, High Falls, Rochester Historic Brewery Square, TEDxFlourCity
Posted in Events, Rochester Destinations, Transit + Infrastructure, Urban Development, Video | 14 Comments »

Rochester May Have to Eat Crow
Monday, January 28th, 2013
Love’em or hate’em, these feathered Rochesterians may be here for the long haul. Last February the City and USDA used spotlights, pyrotechnics, lasers and recordings of distress calls to scare a pesky flock of crows out of Washington Square Park. But the birds came back. So, in December
City Council approved another $21,000 for crow removal and they tried it again. For now, Washington Square seems to be free and clear. But the family of roughly 40,000 didn’t move very far. In fact, they’re hiding in plain sight…
Tags: crows, flock of crows, Genesee River Gorge, High Falls, Rochester, Rochester NY
Posted in Rochester Images, Rochester News, Video | 8 Comments » Talks at TEDxRochester
Monday, January 21st, 2013
Last November I had the ridiculously huge privilege to give a talk at TEDxRochester. The gravity of the honor may have been too much for my little brain to comprehend. In fact, when they initially asked me to do it I said “no thanks” – twice. Long story short, I gave in. And I’m glad I did, because the experience was one of those “once in a lifetime” things.
Since much of my talk was influenced by you, RocSubway readers and participants, I thought you’d like to watch (and share) the official video which has just been released. A word of caution: I’m not the most riveting public speaker, but there is lots of good stuff buried within this 12-minute presentation, so watch thru to the end if you can…
Tags: Amanda Doherty, downtown Rochester, Gary Jacobs, history of Rochester, Jen Indovina, mass transit, mass transportation, Michael Governale, public transportation, Reconnect Rochester, Rick U., Rochester, Rochester history, Rochester NY, suburban sprawl, TED Talks, TEDxRochester, Tony Karakashian, transit, transportation, transportation alternatives, urban revitalization
Posted in Opinion, Rochester History, Rochester News, Transit + Infrastructure, Urban Development, Video | 4 Comments »

Exploring the Caves of Rochester, NY
Thursday, November 15th, 2012
Just when I think I’ve done everything there is to do in Rochester, I discover another little hole in the wall. Literally. Check out these photos of what is unofficially known as “Rico Cave” near Lower Falls…
Tags: Driving Park Bridge, Genesee River, Lower Falls, Rico Cave, Rochester, rochester photos, urban exploration, urban explorers, video
Posted in Rochester Destinations, Rochester Images, Urban Exploration, Video | 33 Comments »

Sh!t Rochester People Say
Monday, September 17th, 2012
“These people cannot drive in the snow. I went to the beach today and it smelled like sh!t. I loooove Wegmans. Why’s the TV on R-News?”
If you’ve uttered any of these words, then you might be a Rochesterian. Maybe you’re visiting from out of town and finding it difficult to converse with the natives. No worries. Let Dave Maslyn and Andrew Specksgoor teach you how to speak our language in 2 minutes and 11 seconds…
Tags: Andrew Specksgoor, Dave Maslyn, how to speak Rochesterian, movie, Rochester, Rochester NY, Rochesterians, vernacular, video, YouTube
Posted in Art + Culture, Video | 2 Comments »

A Classic Rochester Souvenir?
Monday, September 10th, 2012Imagine it’s 1965 and your parents bring you to the big city of Rochester, New York to take in the sights and do some shopping in the world’s first indoor urban shopping mall, Midtown Plaza . It’s thrilling! All the people! The lights! The sounds! The experience is setting off fireworks in your little 6 year-old brain. What better way to remember this extraordinary day from your childhood than with a warm, six-inch high… fleshy colored…… What the #&@! is this?
Tags: Clock of Nations, Golisano Children's Hospital, Greater Rochester International Airport, injection molding machine, Midtown Plaza, Mold-A-Rama, plastic souvenir, Rochester, Rochester NY, Rochester souvenir
Posted in Art + Culture, Rochester History, Video | 11 Comments »

Rochester Police Department Draws Fire at Council Meeting
Wednesday, August 22nd, 2012
I attended last night’s City Council meeting to speak in opposition to proposed changes to Rochester’s Zoning Code. About 5 or 6 people spoke against the changes. No vote was taken on that issue this time around. So we’ll wait and see if the Mayor makes changes to his changes, or if Council will vote at a later date. In the meantime, the other HOT topic in Council’s chambers this night was community relations with the Rochester Police Department.
Police Chief Sheppard was in attendance, as was Mayor Richards to acknowledge the service of several 9-1-1 dispatchers and a RPD officer who were retiring. And during the 1-hour “Speak to Council” session where the public has a chance to speak on any topic of concern, at least 8 to 10 individuals called into question the actions and practices of the RPD – including one guy wearing an infamous mask for dramatic effect…
Tags: Alex White, anonymous mask, Emily Good, Occupy Rochester, protest, Richard Yaniak, Rochester, Rochester City Council, Rochester NY, Rochester Police Department, Rochester Police Department Points System, V for Vendetta
Posted in Rochester News, Video | 3 Comments »

The Island President. Little Theatre. 7-19-2012
Wednesday, June 27th, 2012
Maldives is a country like no other. A Shangri-la of breathtakingly beautiful turquoise reefs, beaches, and palm trees. It is composed of 1200 coral islands off of the Indian sub-continent, of which 200 are inhabited. But this amazing country is in danger of disappearing.
On July 19th at 7pm, Greentopia | FILM and The Little Theatre will be co-presenting the Rochester premiere of The Island President…
Tags: climate change, event, global warming, Greentopia Festival, Jon Shenk, movie, The Island President, The Little Theatre
Posted in Art + Culture, Events, Video | No Comments »

ROC Transit Day, June 21
Saturday, June 9th, 2012
If you’re like most people, you’ve used public transit in other cities—maybe while sightseeing in NYC or backpacking through Europe—but then you come home to Rochester and you get right back in your car and drive everywhere you need to go. We may not even think about it. It’s just habit.
On those days when I do leave my car at home and take the bus to work, it’s like being on vacation; from my routine. I don’t have to hunt for a parking space and lock up my car, or hike thru a nasty parking lot or gloomy garage. I just step off the bus and I’ve arrived.
I still remember the way I felt the first time I used the bus in Rochester. It was almost euphoric, really. I felt like I was free. Exactly the opposite of the way this video makes me feel…
Tags: Gary Jacobs, mass transit, mass transportation, Reconnect Rochester, Regional Transit Service (RTS), ROC Transit Day, RTS, TEDxRochester, wayfinding
Posted in Events, Rochester News, Transit + Infrastructure, Urban Development, Video | 2 Comments »

2 Minutes with Rochester’s Roadside Guitar Guy
Friday, May 25th, 2012
The song is Patience by Guns N’ Roses. The man behind the guitar is Dave. I’ve seen Dave playing on the side of this I-490 service road in downtown Rochester for years. Today I finally got out of my car and spent a few minutes with him. He’s a real good guy. Stop and say hello if you see him…
Tags: busker, Dave the roadside guitar guy, downtown Rochester, Guns N' Roses, music, New York, Patience, Rochester, rochester music video, Rochester NY
Posted in Art + Culture, Interviews, Rochester News, Video | No Comments »

Mobile Recording Studio Seeks Freestyle Talent
Sunday, April 15th, 2012Meet local rapper “Bricksonion”. Brick first started rapping when he was 13, but didn’t take it very seriously until he was about 23. Now he is known around town for his music
, and for operating Rochester’s first mobile recording studio.
Tags: art, artist, Bricksonion, Chili Avenue, Clifford Avenue, hip hop, Hudson Avenue, mobile recording studio, New York, North Clinton Avenue, rap, rapper, Rochester, Rochester NY, video
Posted in Art + Culture, Interviews, Video | 2 Comments »

Winter Arrives for Rochester’s Polar Plunge
Sunday, February 12th, 2012
If you’re a snow bunny like me, this winter had been pretty darn cruel until today. Over the past 24 hours Rochester got nearly as much snow as it’s seen all season—and it landed just in time for the 2012 Lakeside Winter Celebration at Ontario Beach. We weren’t able to stick around for the wagon rides and the snow sculpting contest, but I did catch the good part—THE POLAR PLUNGE! If you got stuck at home digging out and missed the action, here’s a short video…
Tags: Charlotte Beach, Lakeside Winter Celebration, Ontario Beach Park, Polar Plunge, Rochester, Rochester NY, Winter Festival
Posted in Art + Culture, Events, Video | 2 Comments »