In February we heard rumors that the iconic High Falls smoke stack might be coming down. Yesterday I noticed scaffolding going up around the structure. Today I learned the stack will be completely demolished, probably before winter…
Posts Tagged ‘North American Breweries’...

High Falls Smoke Stack Will Go Before Winter
Saturday, September 8th, 2012Tags: Cataract Brewery, demolition, GardenAerial, Gorsline Building, green energy, Greentopia Festival, High Falls, High Falls Business Association, Michael Philipson, North American Breweries, RG&E Beebee Station, Rochester, Rochester NY, smokestacks, vertical windmill, wind power, windmill
Posted in Rochester Images, Rochester News, Transit + Infrastructure, Urban Development | 4 Comments »

Genesee/North American Brewery Demolition. Photos by Rick U.
Thursday, July 12th, 2012
I received a message yesterday from a RocSubway reader named Rick U. Rick wanted to share some of his images from Genesee Brewery’s (aka North American Brewery’s) demolition of the once historic Cataract Brewhouse. By now I’ve seen just about all I can stomach of this disaster. I mean, this is how we create jobs in Rochester? Building parking lots on historic buildings? BUT, putting all that aside, this series of images is quite exceptional. And these are just a sampling from a MUCH larger album which I’ve linked to at the bottom of this gallery. Take a look…
Tags: Cataract Brewery, Cataract Street, demolition, downtown Rochester, Genesee Brewery, North American Breweries, photography, Rick U., Rochester, rochester images, Rochester NY
Posted in Rochester History, Rochester Images, Rochester News, Urban Development | 4 Comments »

Genesee Brewery Visitor Center APPROVED!
Wednesday, March 14th, 2012
Call it hard evidence; definitive proof that the immediate demolition of 13 Cataract is NOT necessary for the Brewery’s visitor center to be built.
Tags: Cataract Brewery, Genesee Brewery, Genesee Brewery Visitor Center, North American Breweries, Rochester, Rochester NY
Posted in Rochester News, Urban Development | 1 Comment »

Demolition of 13 Cataract. A Timeline of Events.
Tuesday, March 13th, 2012Yet another press release from the Brewery today. They are clearly on the defensive and changing their story every day. Now they say, “the building at 13 Cataract Street will NOT be replaced with a parking lot. See the attached rendering.”
I’m sorry, I just can’t take this rendering seriously. It looks like an episode of South Park unleashed on our streets. But hold on… if the Brewery wanted to put a stage in the place of the historic 13 Cataract building, why did their plans show a parking lot? Is this rendering real; or clever marketing spin? I think the answer lies somewhere in the Zoning Board’s January 19th decision.
Boy oh boy, this Brewery story is getting complicated. So let’s review the events that led to this horrific rendering issued yesterday. Here’s a timeline:
Tags: Cataract Brewery, Genesee Brewery, North American Breweries, Rochester, Rochester NY
Posted in Rochester Images, Rochester News, Urban Development | 5 Comments »

Show of Support for Rochester’s Brewery Square Vision
Friday, March 9th, 2012
Brewery CEO, Rich Lozyniak, said Thursday that those who want to save 13 Cataract Street are “a very small group of people standing in the way of progress.” I don’t believe tearing down a 120 year old brewing landmark for 27 parking spaces is progress… I’ve always supported the idea of a Brewery Visitor Center. But I also support the effort to save the 120 year old brewhouse across the street (13 Cataract ). And I know I’m not alone…
Now you can send an email to the Brewery’s CEO and City Hall to show your support .
After the jump you’ll see the story from News 10 NBC’s Lynette Adams…
Tags: Cataract Brewery, Genesee Brewery, North American Breweries, Rochester, Rochester NY
Posted in Rochester News, Urban Development | 8 Comments »

Press Release from Brewery CEO
Thursday, March 8th, 2012
Evidence that a story can be spun in multiple directions. Here is Rich Lozyniak today announcing that he has listened to the community but he’s not open to allowing 13 Cataract St. to be redeveloped—a building which was designated one of official historic value by the City in 2003. He’d rather threaten to scrap his project across the street than remain open to the possibility for two development projects side by side. The threatening tone of his statement below is clearly aimed to scare the Planning Board into denying Landmark status for 13 Cataract. Yet, somehow, it’s his name that is being “dragged through the mud”? Be careful what you wish for Mr. Lozyniak. That “small group of people” you say are standing in the way of progress might actually be standing on the progressive side of the issue. Enough of that. Here’s his statement…
Tags: Cataract Brewery, Genesee Brewery, North American Breweries, Rich Lozyniak
Posted in Rochester News | 3 Comments »

Dear Preservation Board:
Sunday, March 4th, 2012
This Wednesday the Preservation Board will decide whether or not to sponsor a citizen’s request to nominate 13 Cataract St. for Landmark Designation. If they sponsor the nomination it will move on to a public hearing and to the Planning Board for consideration later this month. If they don’t, it could spell the end for this valuable piece of our history and any possible redevelopment on the eastern rim of the High Falls gorge. In the meantime, North American Breweries, Inc. continues to move ahead with work on their visitor center across the street. No problems posed so far by the big bad historic building across the street.
The following is a letter I will be submitting to the Preservation Board (via Peter Siegrist, [email protected]).
I’m also sending copies to:
Mayor Richards
[email protected]
Carlos Carballada, Commissioner
[email protected]
Bret Garwood, Director, Business & Housing Development
[email protected]
If you would like for 13 Cataract to be preserved, you should do the same. Use the email addresses above. And feel free to steal from my letter if you’d like…
Tags: A.C. Wagner, architecture, Cataract Brewery, Genesee Brewery, KPS Capital Partners, North American Breweries, Rochester, Rochester NY
Posted in Opinion, Rochester News, Urban Development | 7 Comments »

Another High Falls Icon Will Come Down… Or not?
Thursday, February 23rd, 2012
Cars parked in the High Falls neighborhood this week got notices slipped under their wiper blades. RG&E will be demolishing the last Beebee Station smokestack sometime within the next six months due to high levels of asbestos contained within the structure.
Tags: Cataract Brewery, High Falls, North American Breweries, RG&E Beebee Station, Rochester, Rochester NY, smokestacks
Posted in Rochester News | 9 Comments »

Cataract Brewery Architect Died 77 Years Ago Today
Tuesday, January 10th, 2012
A new web site, , and a mountain of information on Rochester’s endangered Cataract Brewery building has surfaced this week… The accomplished life (and death) of its architect… Original architectural drawings… And new documents submitted by North American Breweries to the Zoning Board (see the section called Offers to Buy Cataract). Ready? Let’s dive right in…
Tags: A.C. Wagner, American Brewing Company, Anheuser-Busch, architecture, Bavarian Brewing Company, brewery architect, Cataract Brewery, Genesee Brewery, Genesee Brewing Company, High Falls, Highland Brewery, Joel Helfrich, Kalmback and Geisel, KPS Capital Partners, Liberty Brewing Company, Merchants Ice Company, New England Brewery, New England Fruit Company, North American Breweries, Rich Wagner, Rochester NY, Standard Brewing Company, Steigmaier Brewery
Posted in Rochester History, Rochester Images, Rochester Subway | 21 Comments »

Imagine, Rochester’s Historic Brewery Square
Sunday, December 4th, 2011
Rendering of renovated buildings and GardenAerial trail
I realize that sometimes it’s a bit difficult to see the potential in something. Especially when that “potential” is hidden beneath layers of mustard yellow paint, rusty corrugated siding, and 25+ years of plain old tired…
The way things look now (click for larger views)
Why, just the other day Howard S. Decker, FAIA said, “” Mr. Decker is former Principal of DLK Architecture (Chicago) and former Chief Curator of the National Building Museum (Washington DC). He knows a thing or two about buildings, and places that are worth saving for future generations. His highly experienced eyes see the potential in 13 Cataract Street and the neighborhood it lives in.
But what about the rest of us? How can we be sure this building is worth the money and effort it will take to bring it back to life? What is the alternative to demolition? And will we lose our Brewery Visitor Center if we don’t tear this other building down??
Let’s start with an excerpt taken from a document filed by the Landmark Society in 1984 with the New York State Parks and Recreation Division for Historic Preservation…
Tags: architecture, Cataract Brewing Company, Dorraine Kirkmire, GardenAerial, Genesee Brewery, Genesee Brewing Company, High Falls, Highline, KPS Capital Partners, Michael Psaros, New York City, North American Breweries, NYC, Rochester, Rochester Brewing Company, Rochester Historic Brewery Square, Rochester NY, Standard Brewing Company
Posted in Opinion, Rochester News, Urban Development | 24 Comments »

Help Save This Rochester Brewing Landmark
Saturday, November 19th, 2011On Friday officials at the Genesee Brewery unveiled plans they say will “create a destination for beer lovers that anchors development on downtown Rochester’s Northeast side.” Before we get too excited, let’s think.
Firstly, did you know Genesee Brewery is owned by a New York City investment firm called KPS Capital Partners? KPS Capital Partners established North American Breweries, Inc. in 2009 to manage its brewery acquisitions. One of those acquisitions was our beloved Genesee. They will tell you North American Breweries is headquartered in Rochester. But Genesee Brewery is no longer a locally owned company.
North American Breweries says their planned “Genesee Brew House…will celebrate the storied history and experience of the Genesee brand” and that they want to “tell the story of [this] resilient company with a rich history that dates back to 1878.” But to do this they will demolish this building; the centerpiece of Rochester’s historic brewing district, built 1899.
Tags: architecture, Genesee Brewery, Genesee Brewing Company, High Falls, KPS Capital Partners, Michael Psaros, North American Breweries, Rochester, Rochester Brewing Company, Rochester NY, Standard Brewing Company
Posted in Opinion, Rochester News, Urban Development, Urban Exploration | 20 Comments »

North American Breweries (NYC) Unveils Plan to Demolish Historic Rochester Building
Friday, November 18th, 2011
The following press release was issued today by North American Breweries, the NYC investment firm that owns Genesee Brewery.
In brief, they plan to renovate an old packaging building, turn it into a visitor center, and level two of the last remaining original buildings in the heart of Rochester’s historic brewing district. The press release claims that the new visitor center “hinges” on the demolition of these historic buildings – not because the new visitor center is being built on the land, but because the old buildings impede the view of High Falls.
What the press release doesn’t mention is that one local group, the people behind the Garden Aerial Project and the Greentopia Festival, expressed interest in these buildings three months ago. They want to renovate the old buildings and turn them into office space and a visitor center in partnership with the brewery. I was told North American Breweries turned them down because the money wasn’t right. So it looks like they will spend $600,000 to demolish the buildings instead. ??
This press release comes at the perfect time for North American Breweries. I learned today that they are planning to submit their application on Monday to demolish 13 Cataract St.
Read between the lines (and drink responsibly)…
Tags: architecture, Genesee Brewery, Genesee Brewing Company, High Falls, North American Breweries, Rochester, Rochester Brewing Company, Rochester NY, Standard Brewing Company
Posted in Rochester News, Urban Development | 15 Comments »