While poking around the Rochester Image Database that the Monroe Public Library so lovingly maintains, I bumped into a series of 24 aerial photographs taken in 1982. That in and of itself wouldn’t be the most interesting thing ever, except the images portray Rochester in the middle of an incredible transition to be much closer to the city we know now than the one anyone might have recognized from before.
I don’t plan to write a detailed caption for every photo in the set, but there are a few interesting things I’d like to point out as we go through the photos. If you notice anything I missed, do please bring it up in the comments. I have no doubt it will be exciting.
Being only 5 at the time it was reconfigured, I never had the (dis)pleasure of driving through the original Can of Worms. From these photos, I honestly cannot fathom how awful it must have been. Thankfully three years of roadwork from 1988 to 1991 fixed this for good.
The most striking part of this photo, to me, is what a hole there was before the convention center and Hyatt were built. You can also see the parking lot where the BCBS building would go much later on the right side of the photo.
Here are three amazing shots that include Corn Hill in them. This is right after all of the worst urban renewal, but just as the first few units of Corn Hill Commons are being constructed. The vast, grassy state of what was (and in some ways is again) one of the densest neighborhoods in the city really blows my mind. It’s also amazing to see the desire lines across so many of the different vacant lots in the neighborhood.
I honestly didn’t know that One Mt. Hope was this derelict before it was transformed into the spectacular building it is now (it was abandoned in 1968, for reference). It wouldn’t be renovated until four years after these photos, and it was renovated again last year by Bivona. As the oldest industrial building in the city, it’s so good this was saved.
There is so so much going on in these two photos, but to me, the most appalling thing is the knowledge that the Hotel Rochester would be imploded 17 years later. What a loss. And for what? A surface parking lot for the next 17? And maybe another 17 more? I’ve honestly cried watching that video (and this one).
In this photo we find our intrepid city in the process of jamming Chestnut Street through the East End from East Ave to University, connecting it to North. This is one of the last, greatest mistakes the city would make in the urban renewal to roads movement. By 1982, we should have known better, but here we are. Chestnut Street North remains a superb collection of surface parking lots and weed strewn lawns 34 years later.
I am struck by two things in this photo. First, how much High Falls has changed in the past three decades. And second, look at the pile of coal just sitting outside at the old power plant. Just think, not 35 years ago, we had a giant pile of coal lying around downtown.
Look at how different this area is now. Why, it’s barely half as many parking lots! But I kid. This picture today is so different and in a few more years, will be even more different still. It’s amazing how much change has happened to this one small piece of the city over the years.
And now everything else…
Downtown viewed from Wadsworth Square.
Downtown viewed from the east end of Broad Street.
Downtown viewed from High Falls.
Downtown viewed from East Main Street.
Downtown viewed from the Hungerford.
A view of the downtown bridges looking north.
A view of Charlotte and the old Stutson Street Bridge.
A view of the Kodak plant at Ridge and Lake.
Tags: BCBS, Can of Worms, Charlotte, Convention Center, Corn Hill, Corn Hill Commons, County Offices, High Falls, Hotel Rochester, implosion, Inner Loop, Lower Falls, Matt Denker, Matthew Denker, North Chestnut Street, Rochester Aerial Photography, South Wedge, Strong
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on Wednesday, October 19th, 2016 at 9:12 am and is filed under Rochester History, Rochester Images.
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Thanks for posting these photos. I was amazed at how much has changed in such a relatively short amount of time. Although my parents were born and raised in Rochester, I was born in Rochester and raised in Gates so I didn’t become all that familiar with the city until I was out of college and living in a studio apartment off East Avenue. These pictures brought a number of things to mind for me so I hope you don’t mind if I vent:
– It’s always sad for me to look at old photos of Kodak Park because of what has happened there, but there’s also much to be thankful for. So many cities have lost their main employer and not recovered like we have.
– This city is very fortunate to have the Strong National Museum of Play and it’s clear that place is a gem inside the Inner Loop (can we still call it a loop or is it now a semi-circle?). They’ve greatly expanded and it sounds like they’re going to grow again.
– I had no idea that stretch along Mount Hope Avenue was a grassy lot while I was in high school. What was there originally?
– I’m glad we’ve invested in our arena, but can we please get a scrolling marquee outside? What is taking so long for that to happen?
– It’s a shame for the old Hawkeye building and it’s parking lots to sit vacant along the river. What a stark reminder of Kodak’s former days.
– Charlotte has obviously undergone some positive changes. Can we keep it going with Morgan’s proposed building and leave the high-rise mess behind now? How’s that coming along?
– The Goodman Street rail yard photo is a good reminder of how much good has happened and is still happening at the Village Gate complex. If you haven’t seen all that work lately take a drive over there and around the surrounding streets. There’s a lot going on in the University Avenue neighborhood.
– I’m grateful for the new townhouse buildings across from the Hochstein School but couldn’t we have insisted on something other than the cheap vinyl siding covering the entire backsides of those structures?
– I’m glad we’re cleaning up the BeeBee Station site but I’m worried about what it will become once it’s cleared.
– I still long for a real light rail system in this city. Once fuel goes back up to four or five dollars a gallon, our bus system is going to be even less appealing than it is now.
– Thank God the brewery is doing so well. I hope their renovations bring them even more success.
– Corn Hill has improved dramatically. I hope it only gets better. Corn Hill Landing beats the former gravel parking lot any day.
I’m from here and I work in the city. I hear the naysayers and I sometimes see their side but it could be much worse. From Parcel 5 to Charlotte, I hope we make some good development decisions in the years to come. Thanks again for the blast from the past.