You may have noticed the City of Rochester went red last night. February is American Heart Month and buildings including Xerox Tower, Kodak Tower, One East Avenue, Rundell Library, and City Hall were lit up to show support for National Wear Red Day and raise awareness about heart health…
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Rochester Goes Red for Heart Health
Saturday, February 6th, 2016Tags: American Heart Association, American Heart Month, City of Rochester, health care, heart disease, Kodak Tower, Marc Natale, National Wear Red Day, One East Avenue, Rochester, Rochester American Heart Association, Rochester City Hall, Rochester NY, Rochester skyline, Rundel Library, Rundel Memorial Building, Xerox Tower
Posted in Architecture, Rochester News | 1 Comment »

A Tower for Rochester
Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014Rochester has a nice skyline, although it’s not notably more impressive than some comparable cities like Des Moines, IA where the tallest tower is 801 Grand at 630 ft. or Birmingham, AL where the tallest tower is the Wells Fargo Tower at 454 ft. tall.
Tags: Bausch & Lomb tower, Legacy Tower, Matthew Denker, Rochester, Rochester NY, Rochester skyline, skyline, skyscraper, tower, Xerox Tower
Posted in Opinion, Urban Development | 59 Comments »