Hey kids, you know what today is? That’s right, Fun Foto Friday! I know you’ve probably had your fill of spandex-wrapped web-slingers, street closures, and NYC squad cars blowing up everywhere. But I just wanted to post some of my pics from the last couple days of Spider-Man filming. And I’d like to see yours too. If you were able to slip past the barricades and snag a few good shots, go ahead and post a link in the comments section…
Posts Tagged ‘Amazing Spider Man 2’...

Until We Meet Again, Spider-Man
Friday, May 10th, 2013Tags: Amazing Spider Man 2, car chase, downtown Rochester, film, Fun Foto Friday, Hollywood, Main Street, movie, NYPD, Rochester, Rochester NY, Spider Man
Posted in Events, Opinion, Rochester Images, Rochester News | 4 Comments »