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RocLinks 3/26/16

March 26th, 2016

I Square Under Construction [PHOTO: Author]
By Matthew Denker

From local development to just plain news of the weird, here are your RocLinks for this past week…

Stunning Revelations

So does everyone remember ISquare? We’ve talked about it some here (the pertinent one) and here and here. ISquare is basically the biggest thing to happen to Irondequoit since redlining made it a place for Rochesterians to flee to (not fact checked – potentially something larger has happened). Well what if I were to tell you that this quiet, suburban enclave has just seen its prize new-urbanist project go completely sidewaysexternal link in the course of a week? And it seems that COMIDA has gone along for the ride too.external link I wish the Nolans the best in their endeavors to match doing the right thing with doing ‘the thing’ as per the status quo.

Home Leasing!

Would you like to lease your home? Of course – owning is for chumps. Oh wait, this is about the company named Home Leasing? Well in that case, take a look at them talking about their project in the East End,external link Charlotte Square. The webcam (here,external link in case you’ve forgotten) shows great progress.

This Week in NIMBYs

Just when you thought you had escaped Irondequoit news, it sucks you straight back in. Some developers want to build fancy new condosexternal link along the river in Irondequoit. If you can imagine, they say that the condos will add to the area (jobs, taxes, etc.) while the neighbors say it will detract (their views, traffic, etc.). Your guess is as good as mine whether the condos get built, but I always wonder how developers pick a project like this instead of one that’s easier to build and potentially more profitable elsewhere in the metro (or outside it, even). It’s not like there isn’t easily acquired land zoned for an apartment building already just lying aroundexternal link on the market.


Sorry to have so much suburban news this week, but there was just so much of it (shocking, I know). For this bit we head to Victor, where a town whose existence owes itself entirely to taking advantage of a variety of tax loopholes and government funded largess (multiple highways built to it with other people’s money, anyone?) has come out againstexternal link the idea of a state wide minimum wage hike. Maybe they’re just afraid the mall will move to neighboring states that can still exploit part time workers with poor transit options for getting there?

Neat Ideas to ‘Borrow’

And finally, an art installation in Cincinnati rubs me all the right ways, so hereexternal link it is. Wouldn’t this be nice in Rochester? If anyone is interested, you know where to find me.

• • •

As always, use the comments below as open discussion for anything in these links – or let us know if there’s a topic you’d like to see us hit more aggressively in future RocLinks. Have a great weekend!

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This entry was posted on Saturday, March 26th, 2016 at 11:38 am and is filed under Architecture, Rochester Apartments, Rochester News, Urban Development. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

5 Responses to “RocLinks 3/26/16”

  1. Rick says:

    As for the “Look Here” idea… hasn’t anyone notices all the historical photos up and down main street that depict how that building/area used to look? They have been up for a long time and are not hard to find… Frankly, I stop and look at them since I find Rochester history interesting, but no one else does…. whose idea was it??…

  2. I know the images you’re speaking about. They’re nice enough, if not a little depressing with the whole “Rochester the way it was” theme and being prominently placed in what appear to be largely abandoned commercial spaces. I’ll look into whoever had the idea to put them up and get back to you.

  3. MrRochester says:

    Ken Sato dreamt up “rochester the way it was” I think it had its place, but in 2016 its run its course and they should be taken down. http://www.bigpicturerochester.com/

  4. John says:

    As much as I’d like to see that lot on Merchants developed, don’t think the neighborhood is immune to NIMBYism.

  5. They’re probably not, but as it’s zoned C-2, the zoning is incredibly forgiving. 0 Lot lines, 100% coverage, effectively no height limits. The only limit is the parking, and as the site is partially outside the city (and likely not zoned as nicely in Penfield) I imagine you could do all building in the front and just pave the portion outside the city. Not that I’m going to build anything there, but you’d be hard pressed to find a better zoning than C-2 for development. Even many of the CCD zones have a height limit.

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