Last week I grabbed lunch at Pizza Stop – one of my absolute, hands down, favorite food joints in Rochester. After placing my order and (stepping promptly to the right) I noticed a petition* taped to the countertop. It was asking the City of Rochester to provide compensation to downtown merchants who lost business during a lunchtime food truck/cart event the week before. The petition argued that the City’s promotion of the food trucks caused nearby brick & mortar shops to lose money…
Posts Tagged ‘Elizabeth Clapp’...

City of Rochester Seeks Food Truck Feedback
Tuesday, August 19th, 2014Tags: Center City, downtown Rochester, Elizabeth Clapp, food trucks, Le Petit Poutine, Pizza Stop, public meeting, restaurants, Rochester, Rochester Food Truck Alliance (ROCFTA), Rochester restaurants, State Street
Posted in Art + Culture, Events, Rochester News | 34 Comments »