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Who is Spaceman?

November 30th, 2012

This half nude lady by an unknown artist appeared on the Averill Avenue 490 overpass a few months ago. She was removed soon after channel 10 put her on the 5 o'clock news.
A few months ago this woman caught the attention of motorists external link on I-490 near downtown Rochester. The image immediately made me think of early works by Banksy external link or Shepard Fairey external link, artists who catapulted themselves into pop culture stardom by plastering their towns with often graphic and politically-charged poster art. I wondered, was this Rochester artist making a political/social statement? Or is this half-nude character with the peace sign pasty simply a random piece of visual titillation?

A few people on Facebook claimed to know the artist, but my attempts to track him (or her) down were fruitless. Then yesterday a friend* of mine spotted a similar image stuck to a 490/590 support column at the Can of Worms interchange…

Another nude woman pops up on the side of I-490 at the Can of Worms interchange. She is facing westbound traffic. What's that over her eyes? Spaceman?
I’m not sure if this is the same woman, but it’s definitely from the same artist. Again, half nude (and a bit more so this time) and glued to the wall like an advertising poster. Have a closer look… go ahead… I’ll wait

Spaceman? Who?
Ok quit ogling. Did you notice something? This time the artist has left us a clue. “SPACEMAN” printed across the woman’s eyes. AH HA!

Turn your car around and head back down I-490, to where the speed limit changes from 55 to 65. Stuck to the side of a railroad bridge overpass you’ll find this…

This Spaceman is stuck to a railroad bridge support column on I-490. He is facing eastbound traffic.
Bingo! There’s our SPACEMAN! And a few smaller Spacemen have popped up around town at gas stations external link and signal boxes external link.

Now, if only Spaceman could talk. I’ll bet he has a story to tell. Earth to Spaceman! Please contact me!

*Thanks goes to my buddy Jason “Eagle-eyes” Adlowitz for spotting these new artworks.

UPDATE: The first image of the lady with the peace sign pasty was not done by the same artist as Spaceman. This was by a different artist, A.K.A. Ax external link.

UPDATE: We caught up with Spaceman… Read the interview.

UPDATE: Spaceman art available here.

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This entry was posted on Friday, November 30th, 2012 at 8:10 am and is filed under Rochester Images, Rochester News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

19 Responses to “Who is Spaceman?”

  1. kwandell peterson says:

    That first piece is not by the same artist.

  2. Ok. How do you know? you can email me too.

  3. HL says:

    Have you noticed the girl blowing bubbles on the right of 490 east right before you hit downtown? Similar style….

  4. TJ says:

    There is another one, same style that just popped up on the Jefferson overpass in Henrietta, traveling on West Henrietta Road headed toward the city. A guy in combat gear.

  5. James says:

    The traffic light control box at the corner of Alexander & Monroe Ave’s is plastered with the spaceman woman as well.

  6. Mike says:

    There was an awesome black and white painted graphic of a native american wearing a full head dress located below the Ford Street bridge at the bike path to the University of Rochester. There was also text that made a political comment about illegal immigrants. It was absolutely fantastic, but unfortunately some moron city employee painted over it. It’s one thing to paint over scaring graffiti and I’m sure the artist created it without approval, but with all the push for new public art we should think twice before covering these up. Keep it up Spaceman!

  7. Cory says:

    Spaceman has been a regular on traffic control boxes for a couple of years now. He has been on the one at Goodman and Pearl Steet a few times. Seems like he has decided to expand.

  8. Travis Hardiman says:

    How much shall I bill you for the use of my Flickr photo that is clearly marked “All rights reserved” and “Available for license”?

  9. Yuri Gagarin says:

    I believe either him or one of his fans set up an Instagram account @585spaceman

  10. @Travis, my apologies. It’s removed.

  11. Mike G says:

    Spacemen have been around for years

  12. @RochesterSubway.com Thanks, but in the future please just ask! ☺

  13. @Mike G, the connection between Spaceman and these larger wheatpastes is new to me. It’ll be interesting to see how the work progresses.

  14. ELF says:

    Spaceman has some works on display right now at Rochester Greenovation.

  15. _man says:

    I am. Wanna do a collab? @ax

  16. Anthony says:

    Is this the same person (or people) responsible for the Mick Jagger/”Goodbye” artwork on the old Ruby Tuesdays? It’s now hidden by the “For Sale” sign…

  17. Ax says:

    I might be into that. any ideas? mr. spaceman

  18. _man says:

    I don’t do a whole lot with spraypaint, it’s not the best for the environment.

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