The First Niagara Fringe Festival is winding down, with just tonight and tomorrow left to check out some of the fun. I’ve been blogging daily on my personal blog about the festival, so hop over there to see everything I’ve been up to this week. But if you’re hitting the festival for the first time this weekend, here are a few things that you can still catch…
Posts Tagged ‘Eastman Theater’...

The Final Days of the Fringe
Friday, December 25th, 2015Tags: aerialist, Ann Landers, burlesque, Cabinet of Wonders, Canary In A Coal Mine, David Rambo, Eastman School of Music’s Kilbourn Hall and Sproull Atrium, Eastman Theater, Erich Camping, First Niagara Rochester Fringe Festival, Fringe Festival, Joanne Brokaw, Kilbourn Hall, Luke Kempner, magician, Multi-use Community Cultural Center (MuCCC), Princess Wendy's Late Night Tease Room, Rochester, Rochester Fringe Festival, Rochester NY, Silent Disco, Sinda Nichols, Spiegelgarden, Spiegeltent, The Lady With All The Answers, Upside Downton
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Exploring Spiegelgarden, the Heart of the Fringe
Sunday, December 20th, 2015The First Niagara Fringe Festival opened this week, with over 500 shows happening at more than two dozen venues over ten days. But the heart of the Fringe is the Spiegelgarden, located at the corner of Main and Gibbs Streets, across from the Eastman Theater. There are shows, artwork, food and more, including the centerpiece Spiegeltent, which is home to the Cabinet of Wonders, Princess Wendy’s Late Night Tease Room, comedian Jamie Lissow, Silent Disco and Brown Bag Disco.
I confess I’ve never been to the Fringe, now in its fourth year, but after I did the Remote Rochester tour this week I just had to go downtown for opening night festivities at the Spiegelgarden. What amazing wonders await you! Here are a few of the things happening at One Fringe Place…
Tags: Abby DeVuyst, Absinthe, Bento Box, Brown Bag Disco, Cabinet of Wonders, Chef, comedian Jamie Lissow, David and Helen Ferge, Eastman Theater, First Niagara Rochester Fringe Festival, Fringe Festival, Joanne Brokaw, Kerry Young, Matt and Heidi Morgan, Mirror Tent, Naples Open Studio Trail, Princess Wendy's Late Night Tease Room, Rochester, Rochester Fringe Festival, Rochester NY, Scott Grove, Silent Disco, Spiegelgarden, Spiegeltent, tightrope chalk drawing illusion
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Meet Rochester Artist and Craftsman, Scott Grove
Monday, September 28th, 2015On my almost daily walk along State and Main streets I’ve often noticed this boom lift blocking the sidewalks around the Powers Building . I’ve never given it much thought. I just figured Daniel Powers liked his windows really clean.
Then, last week while at the Fringe, my RocSubway teammate Joanne Brokaw got introduced to Scott Grove. As it turns out, Scott is that guy hanging high up over Rochester’s sidewalks—and he’s not cleaning windows…
Tags: architecture, artist, Bausch & Lomb Headquarters, Daniel Powers, downtown Rochester, Eastman Theater, H.H. Warner Building, historic preservation, Jonathan Child House, Neighborhood of the Arts, Piano Works Mall, Powers Building, Rochester, Rochester NY, Rochester Public Market, Scott Grove, sculpture, State Street, University of Rochester
Posted in Architecture, Art + Culture, Interviews, Rochester History, Rochester News, Urban Exploration | 4 Comments »

Rochester (& Other) Landmarks
Thursday, May 1st, 2014
A new collaborative art exhibit will open Sunday, May 11, at ARTISANworks . “Rochester (& Other) Landmarks” features the work of local photographer, Jonathan White, and graffiti artist, Antonio “Chico” Garcia.
To the average viewer the work may come across as a bit of a train wreck; seemingly random doodles, awkwardly juxtaposed against a familiar urban landscape. But like any good wreck, once it catches your eye, you’ll find it impossible to look away…
Tags: abandoned subway tunnel, Alphabet City, Antonio ‘Chico’ Garcia, art, ARTISANworks, Donuts Delite, Eastman Theater, Genesee Brewery, Genesee Valley Trust, Graffiti, Jonathan White, Louis Perticone, Lower East Side, New York City, photography, rochester photos, Rundel Library, Sea Breeze, St. Michael’s Church, Strong National Museum of Play, The Bug Jar, Times Square Building, Village Gate
Posted in Art + Culture, Rochester Destinations, Rochester Images, Rochester News | No Comments »

The Rochester Landmarks Poster, by Richard Margolis
Monday, March 4th, 2013
When I first moved to Rochester’s Swillburg neighborhood thirteen years ago, my favorite place to eat was Highland Park Diner. I remember this Rochester Landmarks poster, by Richard Margolis, hung over one of the booths there. I used to stare and study those landmarks all the while shoveling Aunt Bee’s Homestyle Meatloaf into my face. Ah, my first taste of Rochester. Today I own that poster, and I’ve now been to all but one of the 38 landmarks on it. It’s a great feeling!
Now you can get your hands on a copy of this Landmark poster from the Gift Shop, and start checking them off your list too. Can you name all 38 landmarks? No peeking! The answers are after the jump…
Tags: Aqueduct Bridge, ARTwalk, Browns Race, Bust of Goethe, Center at High Falls, Charlotte Lighthouse, Colgate Divinity School, Cutler Union, Don’s Original, Driving Park Bridge, Eastman Theater, Erie Canal, First Universalist Church of Rochester, Genesee Brewery, Genesee River, George Eastman House, Geva Theatre, gift idea, Gift Shop, High Falls, Highland Park, Highland Park Diner, Hojack Swing Bridge, House of Guitars, Hoyt-Potter house, Jack Rabbit, Jines, Kodak World Headquarters, Lamberton Conservatory, Landmark Society, Let’s Have Tea, Little Theatre, Lower Falls, Main Street Armory, Memorial Art Gallery, Naval Armory, Nick Tahou's, Ontario Beach, Oxford Street Magnolias, Park Avenue, photo, photographer, Poet’s Garden, poster, Richard Margolis, Robach Community Center, Rochester, rochester images, Rochester Landmarks poster, Rochester NY, rochester photos, Rochester Public Market, Sacred Heart Cathedral, Sam Patch, Schoen Place, Seabreeze Amusement Park, Seneca Park, Seneca Park Zoo, Stone Tolan House, Susan B. Anthony Square, The Powers Building, Writers & Books
Posted in Art + Culture, Rochester Destinations, Rochester History, Rochester Images | 2 Comments »

Rochester, New York Jigsaw Puzzle
Tuesday, July 10th, 2012
I love collecting fun little bits of Rochester history. So a few years ago I bought this Rochester jigsaw puzzle on eBay. Well somehow it slipped behind my sofa and I just recently found it again. It’s like Christmas in July!
Entirely hand drawn, this 513 piece puzzle is jammed with local landmarks, businesses, and fun historic facts. Now I realize I’m a total geek-dork, but I could stare at this thing for days picking stuff out—it’s THAT much fun…
Tags: Cinema Theater, Col. Nathaniel Rochester, Colgate Divinity School, downtown Rochester, Eastman Theater, Ebenezer 'Indian' Allan, Frederick Douglass, George Eastman, German House, High Falls, Hiram Sibley, I-490, Irondequoit, Jonathan Child, Kodak Tower, Liberty Pole, Monroe High School, Punch's Nuts, Rochester, Rochester history, Rochester NY, Rochester Public Market, Sam Patch, Seneca Park Zoo, Silver Stadium, Susan B. Anthony, Toronto, WXXI
Posted in Rochester Destinations, Rochester History | 9 Comments »