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Why Walking Is the Choice of Eco-Conscious Commuters

March 26th, 2024

For those who want to take advantage of walking, there are some good eco-conscious decisions you can make in the city of Rochester and surrounding areas. There are great benefits that impact your wallet, your health, and others in your environment. If you want to know how walking can truly be economical and environmental, keep reading for more information.

More Cost-Effective

The best thing about walking everywhere is how much it costs. It is economically efficient because you don’t have any transportation costs to worry about. This means no parking fees, no passes for public transportation, no monthly car payments, and also no monthly maintenance. You also decrease the energy that you spend at home by taking a longer walk. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, heat loss and heat gain through windows are responsible for 20-35% of residential energy use. You also don’t have to spend a lot of time stuck in traffic, wasting time on a long commute. This is ideal for those who live in cities like Rochester.

Reduces Fumes In The Environment

When you opt to walk everywhere and you don’t own a car for transportation, then you’re not releasing unwanted fumes into the environment. This means that you’re helping control part of the pollution issue that has been developing in these large areas like Rochester, and causing harmful effects on the local ecosystem. Birds, pets, and other wildlife in the area have cleaner air and water because you decided to give up driving a car everywhere you go.

Reduces Needs For Parking Lots

When you decide against driving a car in your community, you save the need for additional parking lots. If more people adopted this practice in areas that are large like Rochester, there wouldn’t be a lot of need for additional parking. According to Concrete Financial Insights, 9.4 billion cubic meters of concrete were produced in 2021 which means more heat and less natural environment.  The more you walk, more of the natural environment can be embraced and you can do what you need for your local community. More community parks can be embraced, as well as more green space and gardens for locals in the area to enjoy. 

Encourage Physical Health

When you spend your time walking, you are also environmentally conscious of your own health. Walking and getting in your daily steps will help you with your physical health and what you need to stay heart-healthy. Walking is good for your entire body, and it’s something that you should consider doing anyway. Another health benefit of walking is the way you feel as you walk. You have this opportunity to clear your mind and focus on the path you need to take, which can be relaxing. You’ll also find that your body releases more endorphins over time, making you more happy from the steady walks.

Keep in mind that you’re actually safer when you’re walking. Every year thousands of Americans are injured in motorcycle accidents, and over 1,000 of those people die from their injuries. This is one less thing you have to worry about when walking.

Reduces Public Transportation

If you want to add another environmentally friendly bonus to walking in Rochester, consider the decreased need for public transportation if everyone starts walking more or walking everywhere. Because you’re walking everywhere in town, you’re one less person who needs to purchase a pass and be an accommodation for public transportation in town. This reduces the amount of trolleys, buses, and trains that are found in some places. By adopting this practice, the impact these vehicles are having on the environment would decrease significantly, and there would be a change in many of these environments everywhere.

Keep Up The Walking

If you’re interested in walking and want to keep improving the local environment, then make sure you invest in some good walking shoes and continue carrying yourself around Rochester. There isn’t a need to add the extra stress of a vehicle on yourself or the environment, that is just trying to thrive in its natural habitat. You want to be able to enjoy the area and know that you’re being a benefit to it, your health, and your wallet, all at the same time.

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