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RocLinks 3/21/15

March 21st, 2015

Midtown Plaza [PHOTO: Thomas Belknap/flickr]
By Matthew Denker

Sorry for leaving everyone high and dry on the link front last week. Ironically enough, I was in Rochester, which complicated writing a RocLinks so much that I was unable to do so. That said, it was wonderful seeing/meeting so many of you, and my deepest apologies to any readers I missed while in town.

And now, from local development to just plain news of the weird, here are your RocLinks for this past week…

Explore Rochester

Assuming this post is live and visible before 2PM tomorrow, go to Fuego and explore Rochester external link. Even if it doesn’t make it, you at least have a new instagram worth following.


The public market is getting a face lift external link. I really hope this isn’t blowing anyone’s cover, but at an open house for a local design firm potential images of the building were hanging on the walls, and they were impressive to say the least.

Upgrade pt. 2!

Not into public markets? Well then maybe the June 2015 opening of the Rooftop at the Strath external link will tickle your fancy. It purports to have 260 degree views of Rochester and have space for you and 249 of your closest friends to eat dinner.

Upgrade pt. 3!

Will it ever stop!? Maybe you don’t like public markets OR rooftop dining. Surely you’re the kind of person who loves performing arts centers over vacant lots, then. The city sure does external link.

Upgrade pt. 4!

Alright, you jaded reader you, forget about the market, the rooftop (and your 249 friends), and a PAC. Everyone loves glass (even if they can’t pronounce Chihuly external link), so go check out the new wing at the Corning Museum of Glass external link when it opens this weekend.

• • •

As always, use the comments below as open discussion for anything in these links – or let us know if there’s a topic you’d like to see us hit more aggressively in future RocLinks. Have a great weekend!

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This entry was posted on Saturday, March 21st, 2015 at 1:14 pm and is filed under Rochester Destinations, Rochester News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

12 Responses to “RocLinks 3/21/15”

  1. John says:

    I really hope if the theater gets built it isn’t on East Main St. That block might be the only full block downtown of intact pre-1950 buildings (even if one building lost its facade). I would love to see that block rehabbed and not leveled.

    For all the empty lots downtown, why tear down something else?

  2. Martin Edic says:

    I remember what those buildings on the north side of east Main looked like before they refaced them. All the detailing was ripped off. The only building in the block between Clinton and South worth saving is the Granite Building. The rest are completely shot and were never very interesting architecture. Not all old buildings are better.
    But the obvious spot for a PAC is in front of Midtown. Seriously doubt it will happen though.
    The Market renderings are being distributed at the Market so you’re not blowing anyone’s cover! I think they are really working to retain the funky feel while doing serious and needed upgrades. I go every week, year round, and I’m happy about the plan.

  3. Martin Edic says:

    Hate to be negative about the PAC but all the downtown development that is actually underway, excepting the transit center and train station, is private sector. Our local governments are incompetent at development. They recently pushed back the downtown MCC completion date to 2018. It has been in the works for 15 years!

  4. John says:

    I’ve always liked the way 190 E Main looked. I find it hard to believe that with the sheet metal taken off and a little work, that wouldn’t be a good looking building. It’d be equal to or better than what would replace it in 2015 and beyond.

    How much of the building at the corner of Main and Clinton have left underneath that horrendous billboard? Is the bumpout facing Main underneath it still?

    I agree that none of them are going to win any beauty pageants or be a historic landmark, but I can’t believe they’d ever get replaced by anything remotely worthwhile. But just because they aren’t going to be examples in an architecture class means we should just toss them away. I just don’t see anything better going in, all this city can do is think big, mega block single building/single developer redevelopment. Gateway and the old McCorys can go, but the rest should stay.

    I hate to be negative, but the last 60 years have shown we really can’t building anything that is really an improvement on what used to be on the site. We just seem to be fixing what we’ve ruined.

  5. David says:

    I really don’t think it would be difficult to build something that would be an improvement over that block. Personally I’d rather see that entire block razed and a nice modern building put in there. We aren’t talking about a block of beautiful old buildings. To me those buildings look like they were put in a few months to replace a hollowed out section from a fire. Does anybody know the history of why that block has those strange buildings?

    I suppose 190 E Main might be ok looking with a lot of work, but the rest of those buildings have seriously got to go.

  6. Well, they were beautiful old buildings once…

    Now – http://photo.libraryweb.org/rochimag/photolab/contemporary/c0003/c0003702.jpg

    Then – http://photo.libraryweb.org/rochimag/archives/modern/m0000/m0000008.jpg

    (and yes, the Gateway Centre was just a reclad of the Central building in the foreground along with the building next to it).

  7. Joe says:

    Use the cost of demo for asbestos abatement, which would have to be done for demo anyways, structural stabilization and even matching grants and see what good could come. Then go to one of the hundreds of vacant lots downtown and build something else. Hell, even though I strongly support it, filling in the eastern inner loop will create a bunch of clear land. Why demo existing buildings when you can’t swing a cat without hitting 5 vacant lots?

    That’s really more my point, with a limited pool of money and so many already empty areas downtown, why even waste money tearing down buildings? If we were on Park Ave, the South Wedge, Monroe Ave, or somewhere else without open space I can see demoing existing buildings to add something better, but downtown is decades away from that. It’s just so wasteful of time, money, and buildings.

  8. Well, I don’t know about this situation exactly, but it sometimes depends on ownership too. Don’t think the UofR is going to just hand over the land underneath the giant lot across from eastman. Conveniently, Monroe County already owns the Gateway Centre (and you were wondering why it was vacant!). This is the advantage to Site 5 too. It’s already they city’s.

  9. David says:

    Although I do have to admit that I do kind of like the Gateway Center building. I am hoping that more restaurants and retail will pop up on Main St. With the Hilton Garden Inn having it’s new restaurant highly visible from the street, maybe that will encourage others to open businesses there.

  10. I kind of hope the same thing, considering that the hyatt already has a fancy bar that I don’t believe locals ever go to, and there’s prime space next door in the Lincoln Alliance Building that could be beautiful restaurant/retail.

  11. Ben says:

    Space for restaurants and retail is quickly filling up on the Main Street end of East Ave, think it’s only natural for development to start spilling over in the near future. People living in Midtown will obviously play a big part in this as well.

  12. Chris says:

    Parcel 5 is the only logical location for the PAC for one reason only: Infrastructure! The midtown/downtown tunnels that were built for MidTown Plaza and the Convention Center. These tunnels will allow access for the semis and tractor trailors that are used for the touring shows. Ever wonder why there are never trucks on the streets for the Convention Center and hotels?! It is all done underground. Plus the multiple levels of parking under Parcel 5 make it VERY convenient for a PAC.

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