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Sneak Peek Inside the Future ‘Woodbury Place’

November 3rd, 2014

Merkel Donahue building, Oct 2014. Development Update on 210 South Avenue, Rochester NY. [PHOTO: Steve Vogt]
By Steve Vogt

RocSubway is excited to share with you some exclusive pictures of an exciting downtown development. 210 South Avenue external link is currently being transformed into future commercial and residential space in the heart of downtown Rochester. The building currently known as the Merkel Donohue building—and its connected buildings—will be transformed into a mix of commercial & residential space and will go by the name of Woodbury Place…

210 South Ave, Oct 2014. [PHOTO: Steve Vogt]
It all started about 120 years ago as a warehouse for the S.B. Roby Co. Sidney B. Roby was one of the finest carriage suppliers in the nation. His burgeoning company wanted a new storage facility located on the Erie canal (the Erie canal used to run where South Ave is located now, until it was moved South in 1918.) The business changed a great deal over the next eight decades becoming a supply house for sporting goods, firearms, and automotive parts before finally being absorbed by a company named Horizon Solutions. Horizon Solutions still operates today as Rochester’s leading industrial supplier of tools and abrasive products.

The S.B. Roby Co, Rochester NY. Year unknown. All buildings still stand in 2014. [PHOTO: Albert R. Stone]
Today, after the building has seen a wide array of uses, it will now become residences, offices, and hopefully retail for the growing number of people calling the neighborhood home.

Rendering of Woodbury Place in the near future, Rochester NY. [IMAGE: Provided by Patrick Dutton]
The first floor of the the buildings are prepped and ready for commercial or office tenants. The owners hope to fill the space with a coffee shop, restaurants, or that next start up company seeking an urban chic office space. There is a built in market, with thousands of hungry employees working across the street at Excellus, nightly attendees at Geva Theatre external link, and the residents of 1 Capron external link located right next door.

The first floor of 210 South Avenue, Rochester NY. [PHOTO: Steve Vogt]

The first floor of 210 South Avenue, Rochester NY. [PHOTO: Steve Vogt]

Saw-tooth skylights inside 210 South Avenue, Rochester NY. [PHOTO: Steve Vogt]
Part of the first floor has saw-tooth skylights, a popular way to light buildings before light bulbs became the norm.

View of 1 Capron from the first floor of 210 South Avenue, Rochester NY. [PHOTO: Steve Vogt]
View of 1 Capron from the first floor.

Pictures were taken as Fashion Week of Rochester was about to begin. [PHOTO: Steve Vogt]
These pictures were taken as Fashion Week of Rochester external link was about to begin.

Pictures were taken as Fashion Week of Rochester was about to begin. [PHOTO: Steve Vogt]
Property owner Eduard Nakhamkin and developer Patrick Dutton (Dutton & Company) and Luke Dutton (Dutton Properties) announced that they have partnered with Geva and are developing part of Woodbury Place to house the theater’s artists and actors, which is expected to be ready in early 2015. Geva Theatre has leased 12 of the one bedroom apartments. The other apartments, consisting of one and two bedroom apartments, will rent at very affordable rates. So affordable that the building already has many of the apartments rented, but there are a few remaining.

Bathroom under construction at 210 South Avenue, Rochester NY. [PHOTO: Steve Vogt]
Bathroom under construction.

Hallway under construction at 210 South Avenue, Rochester NY. [PHOTO: Steve Vogt]
Hallway under construction.

Apartments under construction at 210 South Avenue, Rochester NY. [PHOTO: Steve Vogt]
Apartments under construction.

Exterior rendering of Woodbury Place at 210 South Avenue, Rochester NY. [IMAGE: Provided by Patrick Dutton]

We hope to get back in once the construction is complete!

For rental information, contact:

Patrick Dutton
Developer / Broker
p) (585) 704-1546
e) [email protected]

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This entry was posted on Monday, November 3rd, 2014 at 12:23 am and is filed under Rochester News, Urban Development. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

11 Responses to “Sneak Peek Inside the Future ‘Woodbury Place’”

  1. Very nice! Any idea when the Merkel Donohue sign is coming off the third floor to re-expose the windows?

  2. Eric Schott says:

    Who do I need to contact to rent one of the remaining apartments?

  3. We held one of the TEDxRochesterSalons there, and it was the perfect location for it. Beautiful building that will be even more beautiful when it’s done!

  4. Patrick says:

    OT, does anybody know why there are people camped out under the bridge across the street from this building today? I saw what looked like a dozen or so tents with campfires, etc. when I left work this afternoon.

  5. Peter says:

    Psst…they’re homeless and bridges are good cover

  6. Patrick says:

    @Peter, I thought it looked more organized that a homeless camp. Just from driving by the tents appeared to be in good/newer condition… It looked more like a protest or something along those lines to me..

  7. It is a more organized homeless camp, having been displaced from both the Civic Center Garage (source of the protest – no one is now parking there overnight or anything) and Washington Square Park.

  8. Eric, if you’re interested in renting a space here, you can contact Patrick Dutton directly…

    Patrick Dutton
    Developer / Broker
    p) (585) 704-1546
    e) [email protected]

  9. John Lam says:

    Patrick, the homeless camp began when the Civic Center Garage barred the homeless from camping there. This story http://DemocratandChronicle.com/story/news/2014/10/22/homeless-tent-sanctuary-finds-new-home/17754853/ tells more about it.

    Funny thing, though, the camp has brought more foot traffic, plus the extra eyes on the street add to my sense of safety, when i walk between downtown and the Wedge, where i live.

  10. Jason Haremza says:

    What if we addressed the homeless issue with tiny houses, like this project in Madison?


  11. There’s a similar ‘encampment,’ for lack of a better term, in Eugene, OR. http://www.opportunityvillageeugene.org/. It’s been really successful too. I think this is a great idea, but it seems this is a lack of sympathy among Rochesterians for those who work and can barely afford their homes, so it seems like it would be an uphill battle to get the money for such a project. It really is a great idea, though.

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