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16 Responses to “CityGate or ShittyGate? Seven Myths and Facts.”

  1. Vicki says:

    This whole story makes me feel sick. And, worse, I suspect that it’ll go through anyway, and that nothing anyone can say will change things. It’s depressing to know that one’s voice is completely ignored.

    Why can’t Costco (whose business practices I applaud when compared to Walmart or Sam’s Club) build on the lot where the empty BJ’s is, on B-H Town Line Rd?

  2. Jay says:

    See: Cataract St. brewery

  3. Matthew Denker says:

    Well written. I think the biggest issue I see is the general confusion of “green” with the color. Generally, residents want the same amount of parking with less housing and more grass as green. This is no more sustainable, and indeed, is generally less so. This is not an area aching for parks. Any additional green space is just reduced density for the site overall. I don’t see the neighborhood jumping on 4 story buildings at this site to make up for half the property being left undeveloped. Otherwise, I agree completely. Everything here could and should be reused, whether for actual housing and retail, or just as pieces of interest. Taking one of the buildings and creating a President’s House (http://www.ushistory.org/presidentshouse/) type monument would be better than a tear down.

  4. Joel Helfrich says:

    Strong Towns, not “Small Towns.” http://www.strongtowns.org/

  5. Urban Explorer says:

    Given who really makes the decisions (and political contributions) in this community, this was a fait accompli from the get go. City Planning Commission and City Council are but a charade of public process and public input. Neither of them has the willingness to say “no” (or ever to say “yes, but…”) to Godfather Costello and the Costco juggernaut.

  6. Kyle Fecik says:

    Has anyone tried contacting Costello’s Media/Community Relations? If not, I definitely think this should happen.

    Todd Grady
    Director of Marketing, Media/Community Relations
    (585) 475-1000 x176

  7. Joel Helfrich says:


    My favorite line: “Costello proposes to take pictures, publish a book, and tear it [Iola Tuberculosis Sanitarium] all down.”

  8. Michael says:

    TooDamn Bad that the CityGate Planners seem so unaware of the best practices developed quite some time ago by the pioneers and champions of community building and quality of life as being absolute goals of all public development.

    For example, via a recent tweet from the Project for Public Spaces, we find this profound advice:

    “Old ideas can sometimes use new buildings. New ideas must use old buildings.”

    That is from Jane Jacobs, one of the creative forces that prevented Manhattan from joining the abysmal 20th Century trend where every neighborhood “needed” an expressway cutting through its heart. Because of Jane’s effort among others, lower Manhattan serves as the clear urban antithesis to suburban sprawl, and includes some of the most coveted living spaces on earth.

    See more here: http://ht.ly/n65C4

    And then there is this quote, published here in Rochester in 1882 as part of an essay in James Vick’s Monthly Magazine:

    “The public square should combine, to as great extent as possible, the best ideas of horticulture; the lawn, the trees, the shrubbery, the arbors, the walks, and the drives, every arrangement and the whole effect should express the best conceptions of one of the most beautiful and ennobling of arts. In this condition it would be a public educator. With such a silent teacher day by day exerting a constant influence the private places all about will begin to remodel and improve, and citizens will be able to point with pride, not only to their public grounds, but to the homes everywhere around.”
    (more on this article here: http://ellwangerbarry.org/2013/03/21/placemaking-in-the-19th-century-from-vicks-monthly-1882/)

    That ain’t going to happen with the current dull plans to bring even more of Henrietta right to the edge of Rochester…if it goes forward, the project should be renamed “SprawlGate” as a monument to such pathetic planning and lack of vision.

  9. Joel Helfrich says:

    Another one bites the dust! The unthinking oafs on the City Council voted last week 9-0 for Costello’s plans. It is a good thing that five seats are potentially up-for-grabs, but I doubt new blood will ever create any alternative viewpoints regarding development in this City.

  10. Aimee says:

    This is so frustrating. This space can be used for so many better things. These buildings could be turned into community center’s for our children to keep them off the streets, something that people are ALWAYS complaining about in Rochester. This could be turned into a park and museum, because of its rich history. This could be turned into a park with gardens. These buildings are not in bad enough shape that they NEED to be demolished. Rochester does not need any more shopping centers! We have all of Henrietta, Greece and Pittsford for that. What we need is somewhere that we can gather as a community and enjoy ourselves and learn about our wonderful history as a city and appreciate it. We’ve already ruined a lot of our history by putting in parking lots and inner loops where old, beautiful buildings once stood. We do not need to ruin any more. We need to preserve so that one day future generations can look back at our history or step inside our history and appreciate the city they live in.

  11. chase tyler says:

    You forgot to make the facts for #4 past tense. 🙁

  12. Joel Helfrich says:

    The Iola campus is being cleared of a great amount of trees and brush. It is great that Costello is finally cleaning up the place … just in time to knock it all down….

  13. Joel Helfrich says:

    Many of the buildings have not only started to come down but they have been wiped off the face of the earth and are probably already at the landfill. (What ever happened to the calls for asbestos — did they just take down the buildings without removing the asbestos?) R.I.P.

  14. Brendan Bulson says:

    Save Iola as a historic green space. Do we really need Costco? Do we need another giant shopping plaza and heavy traffic? We all know it is more affordable to live and start a business in Henrietta due to lower taxes and incentives for business to move in but how much is too much before our economy cannot support all the stores and restaurants? Our city mayor thinks that the new structures on Mt. Hope will bring in many new customers. Add this new Iola campus project and you have overkill, just like the large number of new condos and apartments springing up. These new plazas will steal business from existing locations and stores. We will end up with run down abandoned plazas just as the rest of the US has. And who is going to move into all the housing that is being created? Our population is not going up it is going down in Rochester. Graduating teens are moving away to go where there are jobs. NY is not the place to be no matter how political leaders say that tax incentives are bringing jobs here. In most cases our local government has to bribe business to move in by large tax write offs or large cash donations to get them off the ground. Who pays for those off the ground donations?? We do! Why is the local government not concerned with helping it’s existing business’? Ask yourselves all these questions when you hear of new big business moving in, ask at what cost.

  15. Joel Helfrich says:

    What is possible at a 63-acre site in Michigan that was the former site of a state hospital:


    Man, we are SO FAR BEHIND as a city!

  16. badhingk says:

    Costello is nuthin but a self serving, arrogant wanna be. Even his “son” has that arrogant attitude, which in time, will be their downfall. I’ve never seen so many “rags to riches articles in the D&C about this jerk. Humble is not one of his “great” characteristics. I’d be ashamed to be associated to him.

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