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That Night in the Subway Tunnel: “We felt we were being followed”

October 29th, 2011

Ever have that feeling someone, or something, is following you?
Last Halloween I posted a ghastly warning about the abandoned Rochester subway tunnel. That warning was sent to us by a reader who claimed he knew people who once lived and died in the tunnel, and that he now feels a strong “spiritual pressure” whenever he returns there.

Jeffrey’s not the only one who feels these strange vibes from the subway tunnel. RochesterSubway.com often receives stories like these from people who claim to have been followed, or chased, out of the defunct subway. Though rarely do we get to see physical evidence of the ghoulish bouncer.

Last week Aaron Killeen sent in this mysterious photo (shown below) and gave a spine-tingling account of a night inside the Rochester subway, which he says he and his friends will not soon forget…

Aaron Killeen says he and some friends felt something strange on a walk through the abandoned Rochester subway tunnel in 2008. He snapped this photo from over his shoulder as they ran out of there.
Aaron tells us, “We went down there two different times in 2008 – once during the day and once at night.” On the night this photo was taken Aaron and five of his buddies entered the subway sometime around 10:30pm. They walked the entire length of the tunnel (about two miles) before turning around to head home. That’s when things got weird.

“On the way back [we] felt we were being followed,” he recalls. “We didnt see anything, but did hear it. Nonetheless, it was enough to send chills down [my] spine, and [sent six of us running] out of there.”

Before he and his friends made it out, Aaron snapped a photo from over his shoulder. He admits, “we didn’t even notice the orb until we were looking at the photos afterwards.” But he now believes this could be the “ghost” that chased them out.

Here’s a digitally enhanced, close up of the strange orb…

Aaron says he noticed this mysterious orb in his photo after he and his friends fled from the tunnel in fear.
A spirit perhaps?

Maybe even the light from an oncoming ghost train??

Or then again it could just be the reflection from the camera’s flash off of a floating dust particle.

No matter. Aaron ends his story by saying, “Looking back, this was one of the best, and scariest, experiences ever.”

Of course he can say that now – he made it out with his life. Happy Halloween! Woo ha ha haaa…

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This entry was posted on Saturday, October 29th, 2011 at 1:46 pm and is filed under Rochester Subway, Rochester Subway Stories. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

6 Responses to “That Night in the Subway Tunnel: “We felt we were being followed””

  1. Dick H. says:

    That’s is definitely just dust being illuminated by the flash.
    There are people that live in the subway bed. It is out of the elements for those that can’t get into a shelter.
    Twice I have been at the library and the fire department had to drag their hoses down there to put out fires set by residents.

  2. Yes, the dust theory is my best attempt at a scientific explanation. From my experience visiting the tunnel it is EXTREMELY dusty. But on this All Hallows’ Eve I think it perfectly reasonable to leave all possibilities on the table. I think I can make out a face in their somewhere.

  3. Raymond R. says:

    Digitally enhanced photo?

    Looks like a blurry object, which no doubt is a reflection onto the lens when the picture was taken.

    FYI, there are no such things as ghosts.

  4. chase tyler says:

    I have been in the subway tunnels myself in 2012. I remember it being exceptionally quiet, but nothing else stood out. I walked the whole length of the tunnel and back. It was a strange experience, but nothing down there is scary.

  5. Boo16 says:

    My buddy and I were riding last nite sept 22,2016 and decided to go through the old subway before they lock the gates again. It was a little eerie but, I did not see anyone except for a lit candle about halfway through. I don’t know why but when I turned back around it was out prob. from the dust. I don’t recommend going by yourself because you never know and bring a strong flashlight so you can see where your walking and let’s you know what’s up ahead…and to keep it real people live there for a reason whether to have shelter or to hide…

  6. dankmemelord says:

    my friend and i just went in a couple hours ago. when we got to the right angled corner after the spraypaint-central corridor, and we heard noises, like… someone touching something or shifting around. i climbed up on a pipe, to look at a ledge and saw nothing, so we continued to the corner. as soon as we entered the passage leading to the corner we got this intense feeling of dread and fight-or-flight. we continued onwards to look at the gate that is in the other corner, and i noticed a bank of rubble in a corner. i was terrified of that particular corner so much, i started shivering and shaking. i kept turning back to that corner, and once, i saw the head of a bald, clean, man in his thirties, he was wearing glasses and had a poker face, and when i turned around again after realising what i had seen, they were gone. we both left, one of us keeping our backs away from the corner, as we were both freaked out. my friend had a knife with him, unshiefed and out, if there was a crazy man we could have just run and if needed, defend ourselves. but that didn’t change the absolute horror i felt going back there. i don’t believe it was a homeless man, as they were completely clean and had crystal clear glasses.on the way out, in the dark parts, i turned around with my flashlight and saw a white blur move past my light beam, but i wasn’t as spooked as when i was coming near that pile. i have never felt that fear before and i could sense something was very, very off from ten meters away.

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