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Join WCMF in Claiming Beach from Punk Asses

Bill Moran of WCMF has set up a last minute family picnic and concert at Charlotte Beach to answer the beach park brawl that took place there last weekend on Memorial Day. We need all hands on deck to come out show support for one of Rochester's most well loved assets. [FLICKR PHOTO: jimmywayne]
There are several insanely awesome events going on this weekend from the East End Festexternal link to the Rally for Roc City Skate Parkexternal link at High Falls. All very worthy and worthwhile. But there’s one that deserves a mention because of what it represents for our community.

Bill Moran of WCMF has set up a last minute family picnic and concert at Charlotte Beach to answer the beach park brawl that took place there last weekend on Memorial Day. The idea for Bill Moran came after the fights at Ontario Beach Park Monday night and the calls he got from his listeners. “One that stuck in my head is a guy that lives on Latta Road. This is his back yard and he said I’d rather drive 40 minutes to Sodus than come here. Let’s not be bullied out of here. The sum of our families is greater than the people who make bad decisions.”

He’s calling it “Rockin’ the Beach” — a park-wide picnic with lives bands and face painting for kids. See the event details on Facebookexternal link and RSVP to let your friends know you’ll be there.

Local channel 10 NBC picked up the story…

Ontario Beach State Park was known as the 'Coney Island of Central New York' at the turn of the 20th Century.  A railway transported residents from the city to a genteel amusement area with rides and a pier for strolling. Today, only the original 1905 Dentzel menagerie Carousel remains.
We need all hands on deck to come out show support for one of Rochester’s most well loved assets. With so much history at this park and so many great family memories (yours and mine) it would be a shame to let the ridiculous actions of a few jeopardize its future.

Ontario Beach State Park was known as the ‘Coney Island of Central New York’ at the turn of the 20th Century. Today, only the original 1905 Dentzel menagerie Carousel remains. This Saturday you and the family can ride that carousel for free! That’s reason enough for me to come out.

If carousel rides aren’t your thing, bring a few friends and enjoy the free music or the awesome weather. Grab a Chee-burger or an Abbott’s sundae. Check out the Genesee Lighthouse Museumexternal link. Bring a friggin kite and fly the crap out of it. Whatever… Just come out!

Better yet, come out this Saturday because you’re a Rochesterian and we don’t hide out at home because of a few punk asses. I’ll see you there.

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This entry was posted on Thursday, June 2nd, 2011 at 11:47 pm and is filed under Events, Rochester News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

5 Responses to “Join WCMF in Claiming Beach from Punk Asses”

  1. Homer says:

    Lets give back the streets and parks to the residence of Rochester!! WE ARE THE ROC!!!

  2. ROCHESTER says:

    Good idea WCMF!! BUT Lets make the ones arrested pay for the food, why should we? Lets not give them a slap on the wrist but jail time. NO MORE GREECE CARNIVAL FOR YOUTH AND FIGHTS AT THE BEACH!!…this is getting dumb! i say to..no buses to and from these areas. If you dont drive than , well i dont know! these are no punks but more like stupid people acting tough in there girly so called gangs! GROW UP,GET A JOB,GET OFF ARE MONEY!! FORGET IT!! I rather go to Sodus!!

  3. John says:

    Wow! Didn’t know Rochester was so cantankerous. Makes me feel safe right here in Manhattan.

  4. ROCHESTER says:

    John Rochester is full of History but the sad part , most dont trust going into the city and as for the beach it was once nice to but know it smells like cr– in the summer the some of the people who hang down there have no respect for families. Last summer at a carnival for youth that runs every year was shut down for good because similar problems.
    We live in a Welfare – have 6 kids- drive nice care bunch of crack heads and the city and state dont give two Shi– about the working class who work every day to pay for these low life people.
    Drug test and a job for welfare should be a must!!! And dont tell me they cant find jobs, McDonald always hires, but again there to good for that!!

  5. @John, I have a feeling you’ve been to Rochester. And being from the NYC area you are probably also giggling to yourself over some of these comments. The reality is the city of Rochester is not the dark and scary place some people around here paint it to be. But when an incident happens (as they do in every city) and the news story breaks, those on the outside like to point and shout “SEE I TOLD YOU THE CITY IS A SHIT HOLE … EVERYBODY RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!” This is our biggest problem. If only those people would put some energy into improving the community.

    The point of today’s event was to remind us that on the whole, Rochester is a great place for families.

    I’ve been to just about every metro area in the northeast and I don’t how else to say this. Rochester’s problems are no different than any of them. But take my word, this place has a hell of a lot going for it.

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